Hi, Emanuel here from Capable Home Buyers. Just wanted to give you a little bit of information about us and who you might be dealing with.
We live in Chesapeake. We purchased and moved into this home in April, 2021. This was a distressed home.
That’s what we do. We buy distressed houses.
This was one of the houses that we purchased. It’s a beautiful property, 12 acres. It was in really bad shape. The seller had been through a pretty bad divorce and then had some health issues, and the property itself just couldn’t be put on the market. So, it had a lot of trash and was in a lot of disrepair. Angela and I got the lead from a postcard that I sent out, which many of our customers receive, and I came out and saw it and then brought Angela over and we were coming up with ideas and then we decided that we would buy it and clean it up and make it our forever home.
One of the things that we absolutely love about this house is that it is a 12 acre lot, and it is just beautiful.

We spent a lot of time cleaning it up. It’s 3000 square feet. The lounge room was an absolute mess when we got the house. You couldn’t see the lounge room at all. It was just stuff everywhere, messy. This house has 4 bedrooms and 2.5 bathrooms.
We moved here to this house in April 21.
We had a home before this one also in Chesapeake that we rehabbed while we were living in it.
We moved to the USA at the end of 2018 and purchased our first home that we lived in, in Chesapeake at the beginning of 2019. Then, this is our second home that we live in, in April 2021.
For Capable Home Buyers, the properties we buy are all distressed, and we’ve fixed them all up. The distress situation is either the seller themselves are distressed or the house itself and struggles to be put on the market, so need some attention. That’s what we do and that’s how we do it.
What’s really satisfying nowadays is that we can purchase a distressed home and the seller can move on with their life and we get them out of the situation that they’re in. So, it’s kind of a win for them. We fix up the house and spend as much money as we need to on the house and make it into a home and then offer it to another family, either on the open market or sometimes through seller financing. We finance the property for the people and get them in. Sometimes, that’s a better solution for them than traditional financing. We ask for less of a down payment and often the monthly payments are equal or sometimes a little bit less than what the bank is offering. Just depends on the situation.
But, we’re beautifying neighborhoods and getting good people, good families into homes, and that’s what we do, and we absolutely love it. It’s fantastic.
Thanks very much for watching. If you’ve got any questions at all or you just want to have a chat to us, then please don’t hesitate to give me a call. (757) 600-9160 is my mobile phone, which I’m actually recording this video on. So, you can call me anytime or the number on the website 757 699 1201. That gets answered either by me or one of our great team members.
Thanks very much. Hope to speak to you soon.
If you’ve got a house you want to sell, please give us a call 757 699 1201 or visit www.capablehomebuyers.com